The Oaks Medical Centre

The Oaks Medical Centre 



Practice manager - Mrs Carol Claridge
The practice manager will help you with any advice or non-medical aspects of the service we offer

(Kings Road),Annie (Old Oscott Lane),Suzanne (Streetly), are your link with the rest of the health care team. When you phone the surgery for medical attention they will ask you some details. They are asked to do this by the doctors to determine the urgency of your request

Secretaries & computer staff
They deal with the behind the scenes administration work such a letters to hospitals

Practice nurses
is our Nurse Practitioner and is responsible for running the nursing services along with her own Minor Illness Clinic.
Elaine (Kings Road), Mandy (Old Oscott Lane), Sandra (Streetly), who are involved in health promotion, clinics and general patient care

Amanda is our Health care assistant and will often take blood tests, or check blood pressure or assist in clinics.
Practice pharmacist
Angela is here to advise patients on queries about medication and to advise Doctors on prescribing.
District nurses
provide home nursing services for housebound and chronically sick patients or after an operation

Health visitors
deal mainly with the health screening of children and the elderly

offer sessions after referral by the doctor, at Old Oscott Lane and Streetly. They treat injuries and help in rehabilitation of patients

Community psychiatric nurses
have sessions to help with counselling and treatment of patients with mental illness

available for specific medical problems via a gp referral. Receptionists can also give you details of private chiropodists for routine foot care

Doctors can refer you for diet advice specific to your condition

Offer care in pregnancy and immediately after birth. They run clinics at our surgeries and are available for advice at other times


Carol Claridge - Practice Manager

Jane Timmins - receptionist at Kings Road Surgery

Lynne - secretary



Copyright Oaks Medical Centre ©2002